
Taking care of mental health is everyone’s responsibility Amino is a company committed to the Mente em Foco Movement, an initiative of the UN Global Compact Brazil Network that aims to bring mental health to the permanent agenda of organizations, inviting them to act for the benefit of employees and society. and combating social prejudice […]

Get to know Amino
Environmental, Social and Corporate Responsibility

Commitment to future generations

As a chemical industry, Amino is aware of its socio-environmental responsibilities, which is why we are part of the Global Compact, a UN initiative for companies that adopt principles in the areas of human rights and the environment. We work to ensure that all our actions follow strict ESG standards, whether in the production area, with a line of products aimed at the circular economy, gradual replacement of raw materials derived from petroleum, and participation in the Brazilian Program for the Elimination of HCFCs gases that harm the ozone layer, or with social and governance actions, such as the commitment to the Mente em Foco Movement to promote mental health, and the commitment to corporate transparency.

ESG Poliuretano Amino

Amino joins the UN Global Compact

United Nations (UN) initiative to mobilize the business community in the adoption and promotion, in their business practices, of Ten Universally Accepted Principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

Taking care of mental health is everyone’s responsibility

Amino is a company committed to the Mente em Foco Movement, an initiative of the UN Global Compact Brazil Network that aims to bring mental health to the permanent agenda of organizations, inviting them to act for the benefit of employees and society. and combating social prejudice and the taboo that still exist on the subject.

movimento mente em foco amino
Sustainability for the Future

Actions under each ESG perspective

Regarding the environment, Amino has HCFC-free products in its formulations, replacing its systems by alternative products that contribute to the reduction of aggressive gases released into the environment, following the guidelines of the Montreal Protocol – an agreement between signatory nations to reduce HCFCs that fight the Ozone Layer, through the United Nations Development Program – UNDP. Regarding social issues, Amino operates following the procedures of the code of ethical and social conduct.

Sustainable Development

Amino deepens its knowledge, always seeking a balance between economic growth and sustainable development.

Gradual replacement of petroleum-based raw materials

Replacing solvent-based products with water-based products

Increase in use, or replacement of TDI with MDI-based formulations

Not using products that contain heavy metals

Process management for a perfect destination of industrial residues

Work environment suitable for quality of life and safety of employees

Use of returnable packaging

Garbage collection

Learn more about Amino polyurethane solutions